Just Saw Supply & Equipment

Just Saw Supply & Equipment, Inc., 1-800-328-5665, 8am - 4:40pm CST Mon.-Fri., Fax 1-763-782-9471

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About Our Web Site

Thank you for visiting our new JustSaw.com web site.  Our site is currently being developed in several phases.

Our current phase, Phase 1, provides you with a "line list" of products, services, manufacturers and industries that we serve.  Our purpose is to provide you with an overview of these items along with many links to product details and their manufacturers.  We look forward to your input to develop our site to the fullest to serve you, our customer.

Just Saw Supply & EquipmentPhase 2 will bring added features such as a "Helpful Hints" page that will provide information regarding the specific use of selected products.  We will also begin to feature "Special Sale" items to help keep you productive and profitable.

Additional Phases will expand the information that you require to help you to pick the proper product for your applications.

Please notice that you cannot order our products online.  We wish to personally serve you to assure that the product or tool that you want is correct for your application.  Many of our products require detailed specifications that cannot be processed by a shopping cart.  This also helps us to fully stand behind the products that we recommend and provide.

Just Saw Supply has been serving the industry for over 35 years and will be here for many more to help and serve you.  When you contact us you can speak to the same knowledgeable, experienced people about your application, our products and your order every time that you call.

Our crew wishes to thank you for visiting our site and thank you for your business.



Copyright © 2009 Just Saw Supply & Equipment, Inc.  All rights reserved.

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